Time Management Worksheet:
Tasks during business hours: Weekly Tasks Not in business hours:
Marketing Fax Broadcasting Clip Calendars from News Master Mind Material
Return Phone calls Reminder calls Check Meeting Location & Dates Press Notices
Attend Meetings Prepare for meetings Update Calendars
Correspondence Revise Forms Lists/Disks
Here’s a sample week: (Enlarge this or create your own!)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8am Reminder calls Master Mind Group Leads Group Sales Presentation Marketing
9am Marketing Power Partner Meets Thank You’s
10am Send Email/Fax Marketing Marketing Marketing A/R; Credit Referral
11am Search A’s & B’s Print Phone Pages
12pm Lunch Break
1pm Follow-upLeads Meet Preparation Meet Preparation Return Library
2pm Return Calls Return Calls Return Calls Return Calls Book Speaking Engagements
3pm Clean Junk Drawer Back-up Files
4pm Check Inventory
5pm Meet Preparation Write Intros Invoicing Attend Mixers Month End Reports
Monthly Tasks: Weekly: Daily:
Library Material Write Articles Leads Groups Marketing
Check Inventory: Newsletter Back up Files Return Calls
Business Cards Set up Meetings Lead Follow-up Check Email
Brochures Write Meeting Intro Power Partner
Stationary Chamber Directories Clean Junk Drawer
Business Forms Thank You’s Attend Mixers
Press Releases Mentor Check In
Invoicing Month end Reports
Print Phone Pages Quality Control
A,B, C,D E,F G,H I,J K,L L,N O,P Q,R S,T U,V,W X,Y,Z
One way to keep your database up to date is to use the above schedule to call everyone in January who’s last name starts with “A” and “B” and “C” and D’s” in February. Many times I have picked up new clients while doing this.