Table Display
Most events include a 6′ or 8′ table. Make sure before you go that you know exactly what you’re getting. You’ll want to decorate the table to make it attractive. I use two distinctively different materials from a fabric store. One is teal (to match my logo) satin and the other is covered with silver sequins. I use a white linen tablecloth that drapes to the floor in the front and on the sides of the table to hide boxes, purses and the carts for bringing materials into the show.
I place two small (4×6) boxes, one at each end, about 9 to 12 inches from the edge of the table. Then somewhat randomly, I distribute the teal material in a gathered “S” pattern over the boxes.
On top of that, I place the sequined material just enough opposite the teal material so that you can see both, most of the time.
On top of the boxes, I place the business card holder and my postcard display. In the center of the table are the bowls for collecting business cards and the bowl of candy. My newsletters are set off to either side, usually depending on which direction most of the traffic comes from.
Whatever design you use for your table, check to make sure everything you don’t want seen is hidden under the table. If you leave boxes and stuff out in the open, it will be esthetically unappealing. People will generally interpret this to mean that your business conduct is not orderly, organized or focused.