Dressing for the Event
When it comes to what you should wear for your trade show, professional attire is the obvious rule of thumb, but there are many interpretations as to what looks professional. Half the battle at the tradeshow environment is getting people to stop and talk to you, so take special care with your appearance. Because trade shows highlight what’s new, improved, or not yet known to participants, it’s extremely important to ensure that your clothes are up to date, of current style, clean, neat a well fitted.
I enjoy seeing men step out of the norm and don bright, colorful ties or beautiful silk ties. Some men wear a boutonniere. It looks sharp and gains them special attention. You’ll find that investing in a comfortable pair of shoes is mandatory. You’ll be standing the entire length of the show and you don’t want to end up with painful feet distracting you from being complete. I hate to see exhibitors standing there with a pained look on their face because they believe their high heels are more attractive than more comfortable shoes.