Power Partner Advantages

I was at the K105.5 event in Sacramento a couple of weeks ago and I have had some great feedback from the event.

There were about 150 people in the audience and Ruby and I brought up the display unit. We had about 12 of the CD’s, 5 of my 8 books, 4 training programs and 1 on blogging available. In essence, there was some material that would appeal to nearly everyone in the audience.

I talked about using the community to gain clients and more importantly, referrals. I refer to them as Power Partners and it is the most effective method of promoting any business. Everyone in the audience could relate to the value of having referrals and the ease in which it would be to help increase their client base.

Every client has numerous needs. Whether they are looking for a payroll company, CPA, business attorney, business banker or printer. They will in the course of a year have a need for as many as twenty individual vendors.

When each of these vendors develops a relationship with another who is working with their typical client they are able to refer business to each other throughout the year.

Each vendor needs to work with an average of ten clients a month. Imagine if you had ten Power Partners referring you at least one new client each month. You would be able to cover your initial overhead simply through the referral base you have developed.

It is the easiest possible method of growing your business and certainly one of the most cost effects methods as well!