Locate your first prospect and confidently walk up to them with an extended hand and introduce yourself. Some people find making conversation very natural.
However, if you’re at all like I was when I was standing in that same spot for five minutes at my first mixer, thinking I should just go home, then talking with those you don’t know can be terrifying!
Susan RoAne suggests that the best opening line is always “Hello.”
As plain and simple as that may seem, it works. Then follow with a question that will begin a conversation, “Are you a member of the chamber?” or “What business are you in?” One of my favorite follow-up lines is by Evern. She asks, “How do you generally find new clients?”
Pay close attention to their response, including their body language. If they’re stiff, could you make them more at ease by telling them that you used to have difficulty attending these functions?
Keep your conversation positive at all times. Talk about what their business is and what Power Partners they need to meet to make their evening a success. Try to keep in mind all of the people you know that would be helpful to their business.